Mrs Anne ESPOSITO (UK) - Dalewood OES

Judge for the Euro OES show: Intermediate, open, working & champion classes  (male and female)


Being brought up with dogs from a very young age it was inevitable that one day I would have one of my own and that had to be an Old English Sheepdog.

My first one was bought in 1973 from a lady called Margaret Lewis his name was Marayma Major Maxim, fortunately for me Margaret showed her dogs and encouraged me to do the same.

Once you have been to a show and been lucky enough to win a 1strosette you just can’t stop.

Over the following years I showed Beauwolf Soldier Blue, Paintaway the Slick Chick and Dervance Dream Girl Of Dalewood who was my 1st Champion and from this foundation bitch I just went onward and upward with Ch Dalewood Mr Mistoffelees and CH Dalewood Smartypants along with several more Champions shown by me and others in the UK and abroad.  

I served on the Midland OES Club for over 20 years also as a committee member of the Council Of Docked Breeds for 15 years. I have judged in the UK and abroad several times and I am looking forward to judging our lovely breed at the Euro Show and meeting Friends old and new.

Regards, Ann Esposito

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